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Title: Women’s Studies ®E-Sources on the Web
Authors: Padmavati, K P
Keywords: Women Studies
Issue Date: Feb-2002
Publisher: INFLIBNET Centre
Abstract: Author describes briefly what is woman’s information? and its importance. Lot of women and gender related information is available of various web-sites. The database on women information service is made available and supported by the international information centre and activities for the women’s movement, website on the Internet (http://www/ Author has given many e-sources on women. They are grouped broadly as follows: -women’s History links -Archieves and collection -Thesis and Dissertations on women -E-journal’s on women -Women’s studies statistics -CD ROM on women’s studies. -biographies on women -conference proceeding on women -Abstracts on women’s studies. -women studies Directories etc. The article lists only websites.
Description: This is only an Abstract
Appears in Collections:CALIBER 2002:Jaipur

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