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Title: Digital Library: An Overview
Authors: Naik, Umesha
Sivalingaiah, D
Keywords: Digital Library
Digital Information
Issue Date: Feb-2004
Publisher: INFLIBNET Centre, Ahmedabad
Abstract: This paper begins with an understanding of digitization, the meaning, the selection of materials, the collection development, the preservation, the access of digital information and some issues involved in the digitization. The collection service is an independent mechanism for introducing structure into a distributed information space. At the preliminary stage it addresses the issues of organizational motivation, possible content, target audience ,ong term support and funding. For planning, about staff and resources, creation and maintenance of delivery methods, charging policy and long term support and funding. During the process of creation aspects to be considered are, available technology, in-house or out-source, project management, design, testing, unveiling and long-term support and funding, preserve the integrity of and ensure the persistence. Each of the functions enumerated in the working definition of “digital library” are select, structure, offer intellectual access, interpret, distribute, preserve integrity, and ensure persistence are subject to the special constraints and requirements of operating in a rapidly evolving electronic and network environment.
Description: This is only an Abstract
ISBN: 81-900825-8-2
Appears in Collections:CALIBER 2004:New Delhi

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