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Title: Security Issues Through Authentication in Digital Content
Authors: Kumar, C Krishna
Gopalan, Poofa
Keywords: Digital Library
Information Technology
Data Security
Issue Date: Feb-2004
Publisher: INFLIBNET Centre, Ahmedabad
Abstract: While allowing the users to access the digital library from remote end, it is essential to provide security to the information stored in the host, as there are possibilities of changing the content of the digital library. Also it is essential to implement security measures to avoid the access by unauthorized users. The strategies followed in the field of information technology are Data security, Authentication and Cryptography. This area of IT deals with how the request from the user is identified as valid harmless. Also it provides techniques to avoid trapping the content on the way during its travel towards the destination.
ISBN: 81-900825-8-2
Appears in Collections:CALIBER 2004:New Delhi

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