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Title: Collection Development and Organisation of Electronic Publications in Academic and Research Libraries
Authors: Kittur, K.N.
Keywords: Bibliographic Databases
Educational Software
Collection Development
Electronic Publication
Issue Date: 4-Mar-1998
Publisher: INFLIBNET Centre
Abstract: The availability of new technologies, high speed processing, improved disk space to store large volume of data at a lower price encouraged the growth of variety of publications in machine readable forms i.e. the electronic publications. The author discusses the types and selection of such publications available on floppy diskette, CD-ROMs. portable hard disks. Major types of electronic publications useful to academic and research libraries are: databases; educational softwares; electronic textbooks, reference tools, knowledgebases, multimedia, clinical decision aids and practice management softwares, full texts (journals) and computer literacy and productivity softwares. The softwares can be public domain softwares, sharewares and commercially produced softwares. Selection criteria of softwares along with the names of software selection tools and sources are provided. Preparation of software for use i.e. testing and installation, shelving I storing, use instructions. technical processing and security are discussed. The author hopes that India can be one of the major producers and exporters of electronic publications in the world.
ISBN: 81-900825-1-5
Appears in Collections:CALIBER 1998 : Bhubaneswar

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