Open Access to Textual and Multimedia Content: Bridging the Digital Divide [2009] Collection home page

Jointly Organised by INFLIBNET Centre and CEC

29th - 30th January, 2009

Jacaranda Hall, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110 003

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Consortium for Educational Communication (CEC) and the Information Library Network (INFLIBNET) the two Inter-University Centres (IUC's) of the University Grants Commission (UGC) were set up with common facilities as IUC's equipped with infrastructure for research and academic activity in the universities of higher education in the country considering the fact that heavy investment on infrastructure and other cost-intensive central facilities may be beyond the reach of individual institutions. CEC and the INFLIBNET Centre of UGC provide information support for education and research in colleges and universities through their services and facilities. While CEC concentrates on creation and dissemination of multimedia-based learning resources, the INFLIBNET specialises in textual-based information retrieval services through its union databases and by facilitating access to full-text and bibliographic e-resources through consortium arrangements. Both the organizations make intensive use of Internet, Web and other communication technology to develop and disseminate their services. While both the institutions work primarily for the same goal, albeit separately, there is a lot of scope for the them to cooperate, coordinate and collaborate in the process of creation, development and dissemination their resources and services. The Internet and Web technology offer virtual environment that facilitate collaboration, hitherto, not possible in the traditional communication system. There is, therefore, an opportunity to examine and evaluate the activities, services and functionalities of the two institutions, identify gaps in resources, services and infrastructure and flag potential areas of coordination and collaboration. The two organizations may also redefine their roles in changing scenario and identify modalities to work in tandem with inputs from their users and experts in Media, Communication and Library Information Science.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 13 of 13
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
29-Jan-2009Information and Communication Technology in Academic LibrariesArora, Jagdish
29-Jan-2009Issues and Strategies in Digital PreservationHarineeswaran, V; Nithyananda, K
29-Jan-2009Epitaph of Digital Distribution : A Restorative ConundrumVaish, Anurika
29-Jan-2009Virtual Learning Environment: Issues and Challenges before LIS Schools and LibrariesSingh, Ibohal; Devi, Madhur
29-Jan-2009A Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) Initiation:Kaur, Sarbjot; Aggarwal, Sunil
29-Jan-2009Web 2.0 and Library 2.0Sivakumar, G
29-Jan-2009Metadata Standards for Textual and Multimedia ContentPrasad, ARD; Madalli, Devika P
29-Jan-2009Digital Preservation: An Overview*Arora, Jagdish
29-Jan-2009Reshaping the World of Scholarly Communication : Open Access and the Free Online Scholarship MovementMunshi, Usha Mujoo
29-Jan-2009Open Source Movement and Education: Opportunities and ImplicationsSasikumar, M
29-Jan-2009Library 2.0 : Innovative Technologies for Building Libraries of Tomorrow*Arora, Jagdish
29-Jan-2009Virtual University: Ways to Make it RealMohanty, B; Jain, Rakshak
29-Jan-2009Towards EDUSAT IIBhatia, Bhupendra Singh
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 13 of 13