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Title: LIS Education and Research Areas for Developing Countries
Authors: Higgins, Susan E
Keywords: Librarianship
Information Literacy
Issue Date: 8-Feb-2007
Publisher: Inflibnet centre
Abstract: The importance of Information and Communication Technologies in distance learning has been acknowledged as an essential component of strengthening LIS education in the remote areas of the north eastern states of India. (Rath). The same could be said of the use of ICT for LIS education in remote areas of Australia and in America. The infrastructure of physical, human and financial resources all attract students to the profession. This reflective essay discusses Robert Stueart’s 1999 challenge to information access in Asia: “One of the most important activities is information society is to maintain a cadre of qualified information professionals”. (Stueart, 1999). Maintaining a cadre of information professionals is also an appropriate challenge to India. Information professionals themselves are the channel of globalization of education because they see the need for standards in computerisation initiatives and promote communities of practice worldwide.
ISBN: 978-81-902079-4-2
Appears in Collections:CALIBER 2007:Chandigarh

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