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Title: Specters in the Use of Electronic Journals: the North Eastern hill University Experience
Authors: Hangsing, P
Keywords: Electronic Journals
Citation Analysis
Core Collection
Skewed Use
Issue Date: 9-Nov-2006
Publisher: INFLIBNET Centre
Abstract: A general observation of the northeastern universities and specifics based on NEHU experiences indicates that the universities in the northeastern regions record comparatively lower percentage of usage. The poor statistical show is attributed to the infrastructural dwarf in the universities. The nature of skewed usage pattern is found similar to other empirical studies suggesting that such methods may be espoused to form the parameters for determining the core collection of the electronic journal consortium. The paper briefly examines the existing subscription deals and suggested that resorting to alternative deals may strengthen collection and ultimately the usage pattern. The paper also maintains that higher per capita expenditure per students should be encouraged in the region to buildup infrastructure and come at par with the mainstream.
ISBN: 81-902079-3-8
Appears in Collections:PLANNER 2006

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