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Title: Developing E-Journals Consortium in India : A New Approach For Resource Sharing in Digital And Network Environment
Authors: Murthy, T A V
Kumar K., Manoj
Sinha, Manoj Kumar
Keywords: University Library
Digital Library
E-Journal Consortia- India
INDEST Consortium
UGC-INFONET E-Journal Consortium
Issue Date: 2-Feb-2006
Publisher: INFLIBNET Center
Abstract: Electronic publishing has been revolutionizing the format of the recorded knowledge. Electronic information services are attracting reader’s attention in today’s network environment. This changing scenario in library environment has arisen for the need and use of e-journals along with print version. Electronic journals (e-journals) bring new challenges before the library and information professionals to give full text access to scholarly publications both in print and electronic version to its end users. The aim of this paper is to identify various issues relating to access and bibliographic control of e-journals, access management problems, policy issues, and development of e-journals consortium approach to subscribe scholarly peer reviewed journals for their library users in network environment. It also describes a brief account of UGC-INFONET E-Journals Consortium, INDEST, FORSA, and other consortium for providing access to scholarly journals to the end users of universities and institutions of higher learning for their R& D activities
ISBN: 81-902079-1-1
Appears in Collections:CALIBER 2006:Gulbarga

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