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Title: Automating the House-keeping operations Experience At The IGM Library University OF Hyderabad
Authors: Gangu, B.T.
Reddy, E.Rama
Keywords: IGM Library
House Keeping Operation
Issue Date: 15-Feb-1996
Publisher: INFLIBNET Centre
Abstract: Thispaper presents the experience of the Indira Gandhi Memorial (/GM) Library in automatingits house-keeping operations. It discusses at the outset the need for library automation and lists in brief various areas of library house-keeping operations that are amenable to automation. It further describes in detail the effort made towards the library automation i.e. theinitial efforts; the hardware and software selection and up gradation; building of database; link to the Campus Network and introduction of barcode technology to improve the efficiency of the circulation procedures etc;
Appears in Collections:CALIBER 1996: Vadodara

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