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Title: Use of Online Resources Among the Students of Science & Technology Libraries of Guwahati: A Study
Authors: Karmakar, Gouri Sankar
Choudhury, Nisangka
Goswami, Pallab
Keywords: Online Resource
Search Technique
Science & Technology
Issue Date: 3-Mar-2012
Publisher: INFLIBNET Centre
Abstract: The online resources are the emerging information systems and services in every discipline and becoming more and more popular particularly in science & technology disciplines. This paper tries to evaluate the use of online resources among the science & technology students of selected libraries of Guwahati and examines the problems in accessing the online resources, student’s level of satisfaction, frequency of use and various aspects of online resources.
ISBN: 987-93-81232-02-6
Appears in Collections:PLANNER-2012 Gangtok, Sikkim

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